by Profit Prophet | Dec 31, 2018 | Action, Being, Busy, Form Laziness, Indiscriminate, Lazy, Thinking
“Being busy is a form of laziness — lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” –Timothy Ferriss
by Profit Prophet | Dec 30, 2018 | Always, Even, Intentioned, Oneself, Rebounds, Upon, Violence, Well
“Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.” –Lao Tzu
by Profit Prophet | Dec 29, 2018 | Hide, Men, Mend, More, Pains, Take, Themselves
“Men take more pains to hide than to mend themselves.” –George Savile
by Profit Prophet | Dec 28, 2018 | Build, Character, Does Not, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Reveals, Trials
“Entrepreneurship does not build character; it reveals character.” –Jeffrey Fry(click picture to enlarge)
by Profit Prophet | Dec 27, 2018 | Advance, After It, Closest, Coming, Get, Giving, Not, The Truth, Warning
“You get closest to the truth by not giving it advance warning that you’re coming after it.” —Michael Marshall
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